Tourism and Marketing Strategy
Tourism Marketing Strategies Competition between tourist destinations is very intense at the global level. New destinations that are constantly emerging in many parts of the world, the continuous development […]
Tourism Marketing Strategies Competition between tourist destinations is very intense at the global level. New destinations that are constantly emerging in many parts of the world, the continuous development […]
Marketing Strategies of Hotels The role of marketing communications in modern economies cannot be ignored. The concept or theory of Integrated Marketing Communications emerged in the late twentieth century and has […]
Tourism logically attracts a large number of researchers because of its scale and the diversity of the sectors it affects. Economists, anthropologists, sociologists, doctors, urban planners, geographers, etc. they all […]
Tourism as a human activity is the response that satisfies the person and his values, society and its goals, the government and budgetary ambitions. This human activity has been institutionalized […]
Tourism is one of the most important elements of urbanization. It goes through two revolutions that are not sufficiently emphasized by urban studies. The first corresponds to the emergence of […]
Initiatives have been made for Thessaloniki through a creative communication policy and strategic development of existing branding. The tourism brand of the region, which is supported by its competitive advantages, needs […]
Today, the benefit of a customer-focused approach to administrative decision making is internationally recognized. Especially in the tertiary sector, the nature of the services and the importance of human […]
Satisfaction is a concept that reflects the pleasurable feelings a customer experiences when their expectations are confirmed after receiving an attractive product or service. In other words, satisfaction is the same […]
The implications between lifecycle, corporate human resources initiatives, and employee impacts are discussed and presented below. In this article, we will talk about the employment policy of Mileo Luxury Hotel, […]
Tourism and Urbanization We can take the urbanization argument one step further. We can put forward the idea that this concept of urbanity reflects the situation at a given moment of […]